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2015 SCBA Abstract Title (use style: paper title) Format Statement:
Typed in Bold, Times New Roman, and 14 Pt

Author1, Author2 (e.g. Tom Lee1; Michael Jordan1, 2, etc.)
Format Statement: First Name (No Initials) Last Name, 10 point Times New Roman, centered, underline for the presenter)

1Author Affiliation; 2Author Affiliation (e.g. 1National Taiwan University; 2Academia Sinica)
(Name of organisation/affiliation, Country, 10 point Times New Roman, centered)

Your abstract (excluding the title, author name and affiliation) is to be no longer than 350 words. Format of the abstract: main text and references in 12 point Times New Roman font, single line spacing, left and right justified, with two spaces between sentences. Automatic hyphenation should be applied. Main text paragraphs should be formatted with spacing of 0 point before and after and with a single 12 point carriage space between them. Margins should be set at 2cm on all sides and the paper size to A4.